Wild rose

A couple of years ago, during early spring I was repotting my big trees in full swing. Two of my kids were running around and asking to do the same stuff as daddy. My daughter took an empty pot from shelve and asked what plant she can repot. There were few wild roses in bowls which came to my garden with some of the yamadori trees from wild. So I gave it to my kids and let them play with repotting. They are sitting on the bench since then. This year they produced first flowers and now fruits as well. No real bonsai but a source of joy for sure. 


  1. There are plants in our collections that are priceless. Their value lies in our memories...

    Great looking small bush with a lovely history.

    1. Exactly my friend. Rose keep pushing new growth from base so it is rather not easy to work. And I think it will not thicken trunk too much. I will see

  2. Maros, your kids are telling you something, time to raise up your Kusamono game ;) I just created a little piece with 3 different plants and moss. I also need to create more kusamono pieces and your Rosehip here can be a fine Kusamono one day to accompany your trees.

    1. Never thought about that actually, but sounds like a good idea.
      Im not doing exhibition mostly so there was no need for kusamono.
      I definitely have to work on it in the future.


Elm Bonsai Air Layer Separation