Maple was repotted into its first ceramic pot. Rather small, I wish I had a bit bigger but I run out of suitable pots after repotting fifteen trees this spring. I tell you I had cold feet doing some drastic root work back in March. But tree fitted into the pot and I was waiting for its response. As you can see on April pictures tree does not think pot is too small. I'm happy for now, I will kut back the top in few weeks and let the side shots elongate for a bit longer. Still, the tree is rather a new project collected only in 2014, so it needs a decade or two to shine.
in a previous plastic pot in 2018 |
First plastic pot, picture from 2017 I guess |
Chystáš sa aj nadrôtovať a napolohovať konáre, alebo to nechávaš voľne rásť? Pri javoroch poľných to nevyzerá najlepšie keď ich nechám robiť čo sa im zachce a veľmi sa mi nepáči to pravidelné rozdvojovanie. Po defoliácii sa toho roku chystám kompletne nadrôtovať môj veľký javor, aj keď to bude riadna babračka...
ReplyDeleteAhoj Mimo. Pri campestere, tak ako skoro pri vsetkych listnacoch musis skoro stale aspon ray rocne nadrotovat novy rast. Inak to prerastie, uz to potom nejde ohnut a musis to upravit rezom spat a stracas nejaky cas. Su vynimky ako lipa ktora je makka, alebo hrab kde sem tam ohnes aj stasi konar. Ale inak je to az dokedy neziskas zkladnu strukturu stale drotovanie a guy wires.
ReplyDeleteJasné diki :)