Do you know that using this kind of blog title will help You gain much more traffic on your blog? Seriously, people are just curious. So what happened, huh?
Well, just wanted to share with my regular visitors and friends that my blog passed 500 000 view mark this week. It is not precise, and a lot of this traffic is artificial from various dubious sources. Anyway, it is clear there are some visitors. few guys created web called feedspot (see badge on bottom right of my page) where they tra to rang various blogs from all around the world. Among bonsai blogs my blog is ranked 38 currently. Thanks for that as well.
During my youth, in University campus, we used every good opportunity to celebrate. We were celebrating all regular state holidays, all catholic holidays and all important memorial days. Basically, we used any possibility to procrastinate and discuss useless crap sitting in cheap pubs drinking few pints of (usually) rubbish beer. Hell Yeah, that was great times I tell you.
So, even if reaching half milion views on counter is irrelevant, let's use this moment to celebrate according to good old tradition.
I know a lot of regular visitors by name and I really appreciate your loyalty and feedback you provide me. Thank you guys.
For all of you, regular visitors who are not bloggers, I would like to clarify one thing for you. We, bloggers, need your feedback. If you really care to see any new content, give authors feedback. Like it, share it, write few words in comments section. All this counts. Trust me.
This are no easy times for bloggers, you know. When I started to do my blog, Facebook and Twitter were small kids. Times have changed. There are a lot of different platforms where bonsai content is available right now. YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, reddit name it. On other hand, I have seen so many blogs die during last few years. It is natural because, honestly, it is not trivial task to create content, continuously, month by month, year by year. So a lot of guys just quit, or moved to different platforms.
New technologies and ever faster net are tools to share more and more data. So we keep seeing more pictures and more videos. Im curious where we will be in ten years time. Maybe all blogs will be dead already overpowered by some new platforms. Who knows.
For now I'm here, staying and currently eager to create new content. Hope to create valid, informative, sometimes provocative posts about those few trees I have. I'm thinking about creating video posts in future, but not decided yet definitely. It will require a lot of time, new tools etc. But honestly, I think without video parts blogs will have problem. Anyway, I'm curious what do you think about it.
So Big Thank You To All Once Again.
Me with Yossarian about week ago. Journey continues. |