Ten Years

Today it is exactly ten years since I launched my blog. I was thinking about what I can write down but had no really good idea. So I'm posting me and a tree, like I do, sometimes it is the tree alone. Sometimes we are looking at stuff and we think we know what we are seeing. Maybe there is a message. Sometimes there is. 

My message for You is:

Try to find best possible tree yourself, believe me, they are out there.

Work with local trees - they are best for your climate.

Use local resources if possible  - environment matters - shipping bags of clay around the globe sucks.

Dare to use your creativity, walk outside your home and look around, chances are you will find more inspiration in your nature surrounding You than browsing the web.

Dare to work alone, most of the time there will be nobody to help.

Be inspired by Your culture, Your nature, and Your tradition don't try to follow someones else dreams. 

Never stop dreaming.

Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for leaving the comments, thanks for the support.


  1. Pekne napísané, všetko najlepšie a nech sa darí aj naďalej.
    Vďaka za zdieľanie skúseností a rady :)

    1. Vďaka Mimo. Aj tebe prajem veľa úspechov s tvojím projektom 👍

  2. Ahoj Maroš, gratulujem k prvej dekáde :)
    Prajem tebe, tvojej rodinke aj tvojim stromom vela zdravia a vzájomnej radosti. A vela elánu do ďalšieho publikovania! R.

    1. Ďakujem Rasto. A konečne by som ti mal oplatit návštevu zbierky. Celkom rád by som tvoje stromy videl naživo. Snáď nám to niekedy vyjde.

  3. Great blog, wise words! It is always nice to visit your blog.

    1. Thanks Vesa. I discovered your blog today. You have promising material. Thanks for the support.

  4. True words from a true bonsai Master.

    Thank you Maros for paving the way for all of us. Your grateful followers

    1. Thanks Vlado. If you are in any way my follower Im grateful. Thanks for your support.

  5. These are bonsai basics!

    1. Hope they're at least for some of the creators in the future. Thanks

  6. Very late congratulations !

    I stumbled upon your blog and find it very inspirational.

    Keep up the good work, I'm reading with much interest your adventures on finding yamadori!



Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

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