Juniperus communis No.3 in new pot

During weekend I potted juniper in new temporary pot from Vincent Vadovsky made of concrete. Tree was collected in 2009. Nothing dramatic has been done so far, only shortening long branches for bringing green closer to the trunk.

in new pot, in mix of zeolith and Terramol

this weekend before repotting

September 2010

Summer 2009


  1. Táto borievka vyzerá dobre, nepamätám si ju, ale na fotkách vyzerá veľmi dobre! Dostal si z koreňov všetku starú zeminu?

  2. Mal som to v tej velkej drevenej bedni na zemi. Inak bola to posledna drevena krabica, moja polovicka tie drevene neznasala takze som jej urobil radost :) S tymi korenmi som to riskol a vyplachol som ten il vsetok prec, uvidime ci som to neprehnal ale strom uz 2 tyzden tlaci tak dufam ze bude OK. Fakt sa teraz tesim ze ho viem sam prenasat.


Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...