Howthorn and sloe

Prunus spinosa from previous posts. Grows nicley.
Trnka z predchádzajúceho príspevku. Darí sa jej.

Howthorn from one of previous posts. A lot of buds, seems it will make it.
Hloh z predchádzajúceho príspevku. Mnoho pukov, vyzerá tak, že to v pohode rozchodí.


  1. Very nice job you do with these trees. It's nice to see these trees in the spring when they are exploding of life. I have a few trees and i watch them closely every day

  2. Thank you for positive comment. I like it also to look how they grow. Especially this year yamadori. Nice to see they are surviving. You are happy that you have tree you wanted and on other hand you did not wasted its life.:) I usually wake up early and with cup of coffee I go to garden to check them. :)
