Fagus sylvatica No.2 woken up

 last summer
Posledný z minuloročných yamadori sa budí. Je to najväčší buk, aký som minulý rok kopal. Preto som v tomto prípade zvlášť rád. Fotky z minulého roka sú tu. Vykopaný s minimom pukov minulý rok. Čo bola chyba. Ale prežil celý rok, aj vyzerá to tak, že prežil aj zimu. Na to, že je v zlej nádobe, a je na ňom mnoho pôvodnej zeminy sa drží dobre. Najviac by ma tento rok potešil keby vyhnal na kmeni pár letorastov. Uvidíme, ako zvykne hovoriť Steve Wonder.

So last one of last years yamadori is going to wake up after winter. I'm happy about this one specially. Pictures of whole tree from last year are here. It was taken out from forest with minimum of buds, which was mistake. But survived whole year, and seems like winter also. If I take in consideration, that it sits in quite bad pot and has a lot of soil from forest on it, than I think it is doing just fine. He would make me happy this year if it sprouts some new growth on trunk this year. We will see, as Steve Wonder use to say.

2 days ago...
and today

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