Larix decidua

Last month was really busy. In short, I collected 10 new trees, repotted up until yesterday 20 trees into new pots, and this larch is possibly smallest one. Sold four trees. Purchased 20 new pots...
Last night I was repotting hornbeam forest under artificial lights till late night. I barely remember when last time I was not going back to the house with clean hands, because I tell you,  repotting trees alone especially larger ones, removing thick roots etc. is very messy bussiness, to be honest. I took minimum pictures in the process itself, no way to do it simultaneously and I was almost every day working in the dark. 

Despite that, there was one evening when I was not dirty, took my camera and younger daughter to water the trees. Unfortunately, the light was rubbish, and due to lack of time no way to use a tripod. Larch had nice little needles, just popping out from the buds. When I tried to take the picture, there was always animal appearing at front of the tree. Check the last picture as proof. Looked like worm girl liked the new role of the photo model. Fortunately, a couple of shots went quite well, when I managed to hold daughter and animal with my left hand in sufficient distance. 
That's the story for my friend Mimo. There is the story behind some of the pictures. Let me know in the comment section, about animals and other obstacles you have to fight when doing your bonsai. 


  1. Netradiční. A moc pěkné. Miska je moc hezká. Žížalí misska rovněž:)

  2. Parádny strom, aj miska, pekne k sebe pasujú.
    Dážďovky sú dobré, aspoň máš dobre prevzdušnenú pôdu :)

  3. Dakujem chlapci. Ten vrch vpravo trocha uteka hore. Proste ked ten stom na sebe nema droty tak je to tazke. Chvilu to potrva kym si porzi zakladny tvar. Na to ze tam teraz nie je ani gram drotu som spokojny.

  4. Parada Marošku diki :)
    A chapem tvoje prekážky pri fotení, ja napríklad odbehávam ku kočíku každu chviľku od stromčekov alebo fotenia či čohokolvek ineho ak popri tom aj žena chce niečo porobiť a striedame sa v dohľade na spinkajuce gravčadielka :)
    Ale je to všetko krásne. A teraz na jar ešte krajšie.
    Nech sa dari ahoj.

  5. Yes, I agree a nice and not traditional larch and it looks great in the new pot.

    I feel your pain Maros, but fortunately this hectic season is behind us, I only have a Pungens left and then a Pine in July. I barely collected this year as I realized I may have too many trees :D. I will just prepare them in the ground and let them develop. I got a bit aggressive on the Hrab so I hope it pulls through :|
    I hope you are mostly done as well and now you can just enjoy watching your trees grow and move closer to the point when work can be done again.


    1. As you know we bonsai guys are never done. There is still something which needs to be done. But I managed to have first glass of wine in the garden recently so it's calming down.
      I hope you will mange to develop hornbeam well and it will be source of joy for you.
