Cornus mas "Vesna"

Last week it looked like spring is here. Well, weather forecast this week shows quite opposite and for the large parts of our country, we are expecting unusually frosty time for the upcoming week. Nevertheless, my "Vesna" have different opinions on when to start flowering. Since few days flower buds start opening. 
So, I decided last weekend it was time to do some reporting. I got a couple of new pots recently and one of them, from Tomas Snovicky I used for this dogwood. This is yamadori tree collected from wild some time before 2009 (not by myself, so I do not have the complete track of its origin). It was collected from stony grounds and a couple of stones were embedded between massive anchor roots still. I repotted it a couple of times in last decade but took a lot of caution not to kill the tree and I managed to do only minor structural reductions of big roots. Still, step by step. The health of the plant has the highest priority. Now I managed to remove a considerable amount of old thick roots which prevented me from potting it into more desirable position and into the shallower pot before. So Roots are gone, one and half of the stones are gone. One stone completely, the second one is still part of the composition and I think it will stay there. I just hit the last stone with a hammer from underneath and it broke down into two pieces. The tree is now sitting in its new pot in slightly tilted position to the right on the front picture. It is much lighter as well due to removed rocks, few handfuls of old soil removed. And finally, I used lighter particles in the substrate composition. I'm testing pumice, it is lighter and has nice colours. Hopefully, the tree will have all flowers open and I hope to take decent pictures in next couple of days.


  1. I have been thinking about Vesna and you earlier today and here we are. Looks great.

    What about the frost? Do you take any precautions to protect your trees? The fcast for my place says the temps around -( 8-9°C ) for next few nights. And then temps below zerro till the end of March. At least...

  2. Well, repotted trees are in the garage from yesterday and the stay there for the next couple of days. I hope weather will come to senses in week or so.
    I collected few trees as well, and everything must be protected now. On the other hand if weather stays like this for some time then collecting will be possible during Easter holiday.

    1. I have moved my trees from benches back to overwintering place on Thursday.

      It seems that the window for collection will be quite short this year for a number of hunters. Unless you are Lukas & Josef Sirotný. I guess their yard is full of freshly collected trees...:)))

    2. My window is still open :) This weekend 2 elms, 1 prunus, one cornus. Last week one cornus. As I said, is cold temperatures remain I will colect dozen trees on Ester :) Haven't been collecting for few years so I'm catching up 😉

    3. Fingers crossed and a good hunt.

    4. Looking even better Maros! Hope this cold spell goes away soon. I also had to move everything back into the foliovnik :D The only thing that seems to be growing a little, is Hawthorn and maybe larch. I hope during Easter weekend I can do some diggin! Cheers and wishing you a successful collection.

    5. Hi Tom, current weather is annoying honestly. Only positive thing is collecting on Easter as I said. Fingers crossed with your efforts.
      BTW was it you talking with me about selling my hornbeam no.15(CARPINUS BETULUS NO.15) ? Are you still interested? (I lost old comments when turned off G+)

  3. Yes, it is annoying, that is the perfect word. Easter is looking like the weekend I can go hunt as well.
    And yes, it was me. I am still aware of this and I am interested, I just have to come one day. Since we don't live close I need to figure out how to best do this. By the way since you updated your Blog, don't be shy about adding my blog into your followers :)
    Chat with you soon.

    1. Pitty, I was traveling though Brno last week. I may go again through next week, if you are interested, we can arrange meeting at some convenient place and make deal. Regarding your blog, it is back. But, I started to remove all Wordpress blogs which have problems with sizing of the pictures. There must be some kind of glitch which is causing view problem, maybe it is issue with size of the pictures when you insert them into blog? Check it if you can fix it.

    2. Hello Marosi, I sent you an email a couple of days ago but now I realize it may be an older version? Regarding the sizing of the wordpress, I am really sorry about that I have no idea why it appears so huge on your blog and I feel like a pest. I will ask my IT friend on Monday.
