Birch No.1

This is my one and only Birch so far. It was collected exactly 2 years ago in March 2010. During this weekend it was potted into nice pot from Juraj Homola. It was potted in almost pure zeolith 2.5-5mm as you can see on one of pictures it created enormous amount of fiber roots. It has long way to go but I like it a lot already.
Toto je moja zatiaľ jediná breza. Bola vyhrabaná z lomu presne pred 2 rokmi v marci 2010. Tento víkend som sa rozhodol ju presadiť do novej misky od Juraja Homolu. Od počiatku bol stromček zasadený v takmer čistom zeolite frakcie 2,5-5mm a tak aj ostal. Na jednej z fotiek je vidieť aké množstvo jemných koreňov strom dokázal vytvoriť len za tak krátke obdobie. Stromček je ďaleko od finálnej podoby ale už teraz sa mi veľmi páči. 

size comparison with my daughter
fine root development after 2 years in zeolit/ vývoj jemných koreňov za 2 roky v zeolite

March 2010

Juniperus communis No.3 in new pot

During weekend I potted juniper in new temporary pot from Vincent Vadovsky made of concrete. Tree was collected in 2009. Nothing dramatic has been done so far, only shortening long branches for bringing green closer to the trunk.

in new pot, in mix of zeolith and Terramol

this weekend before repotting

September 2010

Summer 2009

End of winter protection

Today was warm and sunny day. Just about time to end up winter protection. Trees started to swell buds, one cornus is in flower already, larix is showing green needles. Best time of year of bonsai amateur is here. From now on every day something new will appear in garden.
Dnes bol teplý a slnečný deň, výborná príležitosť zrušiť zimovanie stromov a dať ich opäť na police. Bolo načase, puky sa nalievajú, drienka už zakvitla, smrekovce začínajú ukazovať zelené ihličie.  Pre pestovateľa bonsai začína najkrajšie obdobie roka, keď každý deň objaví na záhrade niečo nové. 


these are too heavy to lift in one person/ tieto sú na jedného moc ťažké, tak ostanú zatiaľ kde sú

larix turning green/ smrekovec sa začína zelenať

in the morning/ ráno

Collecting season started

Tools are ready so I can start collecting season 2012. Together with Hungarian friends from Shohinmaffia and Moravian group Leafbrothers we spent nice time collecting crategus and cornus last week...
...some trees are bigger than one could imagine, fortunately this was not mine :)...
...and not only bigger but much heavier :)... of my new cornus already potted, (btw pot diameter is 50cm)... 4 trophies from one day trip, thanks Istvan :)

Carpinus betulus No.11

Tree from head of my blog after taking out from winter shelter. My lovely  daughter as helper of course :)

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...