Toto sú prvé plody na jednom z mojich stromov, je to Drieň obyčajný, Cornus mas. Boli len tri a boli schované medzi lístím. Za posledný týždeň ale sčerveneli. Výrazná farba prilákala pravdepodobne drozda, ktorý už jeden plod zjedol. Pár malých plodov ale veľa potešenia. Už sa teším na ďalší rok, ak by plodov bolo viac tak to bude paráda.
Those are the first fruits of my trees. It is Cornus mas. There has been only three of them hidden till green well hidden behind leaves. But since last week they turned red. Color attracted a blackbird to eat one of them. Pair of little fruits and a lot of joy. I'm curious to see if next year there will be more of those fruit, it could be very nice.

Those are the first fruits of my trees. It is Cornus mas. There has been only three of them hidden till green well hidden behind leaves. But since last week they turned red. Color attracted a blackbird to eat one of them. Pair of little fruits and a lot of joy. I'm curious to see if next year there will be more of those fruit, it could be very nice.
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