One little beech, found this spring,late enough to stay in ground in the woods. It will be dig out in spring 2011, if I will be still sure he is good enough to occupy space in my little garden. If I will continue in doing this blog till then you will see pictures for sure.
Fagus sylavatica 4.
Jeden malý buk, nájdený na jar, dosť neskoro na kopanie, takže ostal v zemi. Pôjde von o 2 roky na jar roku 2011, ak si aj vtedy budem myslieť, že je hoden miesta v mojej malej záhrade. Ak budem ešte vtedy pokračovať v blogovaní tak určite uvidíte jeho ďaľšie fotky.
One little beech, found this spring,late enough to stay in ground in the woods. It will be dig out in spring 2011, if I will be still sure he is good enough to occupy space in my little garden. If I will continue in doing this blog till then you will see pictures for sure.

One little beech, found this spring,late enough to stay in ground in the woods. It will be dig out in spring 2011, if I will be still sure he is good enough to occupy space in my little garden. If I will continue in doing this blog till then you will see pictures for sure.
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Tree was recently repotted and it is growing vigorously. It was just about right time to cut long shots on top of the crown. I left growth ...
V tomto príspevku je preklad druhého dielu zo série článkov od pána Waltera Palla na tému vykopávania a zbierania stromov z v oľnej prírody...
čau Maroš, prečo ho budeš vykopávať až o dva roky? na rok 2010 ti zrušila manželka vykopávaciu licenciu alebo čo?
ReplyDeleteAhoj Martin,
ReplyDeletechcem si byt isty, ze prezije. S bukmi je trocha problem, vraj. Ako vidis na fotkach stratil vsetky vetvy s pukmi. Ak zatial zije vytvoril nove vyhony ale asi ich bude potrebovat na to aby prezil vykopanie viac. Pozri co mi poradili na fore IBC.
"Best time is spring, as buds start to swell. But, you have a little problem, because you've cut of all branches and left them without buds. So, I would suggest to leave it alone for this and next year to recuperate by it self and digit up in spring 2011 if healthy. Best practice have showed us to leave all buds possible. Then, good soil, lot of water and shade...
ditch is not necessary, it will only weaken the tree
If the tree survives, leave it alone for two years."
"Do not ever cut all branches and buds on a beech tree. At least on a beech that you need to collect or repot. Beech needs big, strong, last years buds on branches, and branches can be shortened in a way that on every branch must remain at least couple of strong buds. That is my experience. Beech is a very strong grower if in full health and strenght, caluses wounds very fast, and often puts out new buds from the calus. BUT, tolerates repotting and collecting very poorly. In a first year it is totaly weak. Very complicated tree. I don't like them very much. Very complicated material for bonsai.
Do not collect this tree from the picture for two years now. Let the tree rest and produce some crown, some healthy branches with strong buds."
Licenciu zatial mam :)
Super, tak v tom prípade sa drž tej rady, akurát by som si išiel pozrieť to miesto a poriadne to okolo a nad tým stromom vykosil, aby mal svetlo, lebo ak bude v tme tak nevytvorí nové puky a chcípne... preto som už hovoril, že budem nájdené stromy hneď nosiť domov a nebudem ich nechávať v lese lebo sa mi stalo, že keď som strom skrátil, tak uhynul, kvôli nedostatku svetla...
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