Cornus was my first tree for a little winter edit in my new workshop area. 


Acer in autumn colors. First quick picture from the new garden from last week. Taken by my bro. A lot of work is ahead. 


Wild rose

In spring I took a piece of shale rock from the Carpathian mountains I once brought back from a trip. I glued few wires with epoxy adhesive to it. Roses were transferred from the pot and covered with moss.  


I went to the woods recently to collect mushrooms. I found none, which speaks volumes about my mushroom hunting capabilities (staring at full baskets of other guys I met afterward). So I didn't want to return empty-handed I collected some nice moss there. Now it overs the soil of Rusnak pot. The foliage of the hornbeam is becoming tired from the long hot summer and is slowly turning yellow. 

Fraxinus ornus "CLIFFHANGER"

Tree collected from the wild in 2011. In 2011, before being yamadori and a bit later bonsai tree was a guy living on the edge. But made it back from the edge and became ash bonsai ten years later. In pot by Pravoslav Dorda. Foliage reduced significantly for the first time this year about a week ago.  

In 2011, before being yamadori and a bit later bonsai tree was a guy living on the edge. But made it back from the edge and became ash bonsai ten years later. 

Not all the guys from that hill made it. One in the red circle was FUBAR, unfortunately. 

Cornus mas "Vesna" with fresh foliage

The tree enjoying cold weather and the foliage is as green as it gets. Recently I took some collected moss and stuffed spaces between exposed surface roots. I kinda like its appearance right now. Looking at the tree from my window every morning from distance and I like how it looks. But blackbirds will come and do justice to the moss sooner or later. 

Carpinus betulus "The Yossarian"

Spring cleaning and some editing of the top of the crown was done in recent days. Foliage is starting to emerge, I hope with spring happier days are coming. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...