Larix decidua

I took the tree inside yesterday and played with it while watching Monty Don doing gardening on TV. I can tell you only by watching the guy for hour is pure therapy. Working on our bonsai is definitely one of the best ways to spend free time now. I hope you all have enough trees to style and wire to work with. 
Now, as promised tree on a couple of pictures after the minor editing. Few guy wires will hold branches in more desirable positions for quite some time. Since there was no need to make any massive shape changes guy wires seem to be more effective since they easily stay on the branches for much longer than traditional wiring. 

I broke off one of the minor branches, was looking at the situation and came to the conclusion I must accept it. I had to be more patient, but I will train my patience for sure. 
We have to be patient, do the right things and everything will be OK again.  

Stay strong and healthy, we will make it. 


  1. Very powerful tree, Maros. And the message sent too.
    - Keep learning
    - Be patient
    - Be focused on right things

    Thank you, my friend
