Tree was slightly edited recently since top of the crown on right size of the first picture was overgrown. I neglected it for a while and I had to deal with it now or later. 

This is how it looked before, all branches were shortened and cut back. Then couple of guy wires were applied as you can see on next pictures. I wait till spring now and it will be most probably cut back even deeper to achieve more curvy shape of the top of the crown. 

Tree will be possibly reported during spring again (last repotting last year, as you may know I'm trying to avoid frequent repotting like a plaque). Reason is hill under trunk is drying more than rest of the substrate and it is not good for the roots. Covering with moss would obviously helped a lot, I tried it many times before. But birds will make pig's breakfast of it in a day. And amount of protection I have to make to secure moss is beyond my patience threshold. 

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