Picea abies No.2

One month ago I took few pictures of this spruce. I was covered with a lot of new freshly opened buds. Just month later tree looked like this today. One can clearly see tree is happy and fertiliser I'm using is working. I always prefer more growth, healthy tree. I think when you perform any styling work with healthy vigorous tree you can push it with less risk. A lot of editing and refinement will follow with this spruce during next couple of years. 

To compare here is the picture taken in mid April. 

There has been several unjustified claims from several sources I cant smile, based on this picture . Those claims were based on few of my last selfie Me-Tree pictures from some of the later posts. To fight those claims Im adding picture of myself smiling which is clearly proving contrary. I hope it will stop any further accusations once and for all

History in pictures from 2010 to 2017

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