Little story of Tilia cordata

In my last post here I posted pictures of my Tilia cordata. Looking back to my blog archive I found out that this was its first appearance here. So I decided to write decent blog post about its history. 

V mojom poslednom príspevku na blogu som ukazoval Lipu. Keď som sa pozrel do archívu, tak som tu o nej nenašiel zmienku. Tak som sa rozhodol to napraviť a napísať o nej riadny príspevok. 


Many of you know following situation. You are new to bonsai and you fell in love with trees collected from wild, yamadori. So you go out for searching the trees into different forest locations as much as possible. Does not matter which season of the year is outside recently.
So was my situation in August 2008. I went to wild forest, equipped with pick and military collapsible spade and some other necessary stuff. It was one of my first real trips dedicated to yamadori hunting.  I was full of fresh information about collecting trees from different sources. I knew there is good time to collect few types of conifers at this time of season so I was looking for some. Unfortunately, no reasonable conifers were around. With quite a lot of walking around I was disappointed with wasted time. And then I found it. My tilia. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...