Birch No.3

Collected this spring in beginning of April. Potted in zeolit plus rough peat. Feed with Osmocote directly mixed into substrate before potting with 5g/liter of substrate, Few weeks later added chicken granules.
Breza vykopaná túto jar. Zasadená v zmesi zeolitu a malého množstva hrubšej račeliny. Do zmesi pred sadením pridané Osmocote v množstve cca 5g/liter substrátu. Po pár týždňoch pridané kuracie granulované hnojivo.

4/2012 after collection
6/2012 with 60 cm shots; tento mesiac s cca 60cm výhonmi

natural dead wood

Quercus pubescens No.4

This weekend before reduction


...and after removing few shots...


and picture from beginning of May 2012
Collected in summer 2010. This picture is from September 2010.

Air layer on Cornus

On this cornus during last year two shots accidentally grew on strange positions. I decided not to remove them and later try to air layer them so they will be converted to roots if it will work. So I did as you can see on pictures. Bark was removed, cambium was scratched with sharp tool, wire was applied and tighten. Then it was whole covered by chopped moss. Big zeolit (16-32mm) parts were added on top to prevent birds from using my moss as material for nests as they usually like to do. I will wait few months and I wonder if it works. I will report on success or failure for sure.
Na tejto drienke ktorú mám už dlhšie mi minulý rok narástli 2 výhony na kmeni takmer pri koreňoch. Od začiatku som uvažoval, že sa ich pokúsim premeniť potopením na korene. Tak som sa do toho pustil. Tu môžte vidieť pár fotiek. Odstránil som kôru, oškrabal kambium ostrým nástrojom, priškrtil som to ešte drôtom a tak zasypal posekaným machom. Na vrch so dal hrubý zeolit (16-32mm) aby mi ten mach nekradli vtáky na stavby svojich hniezd. Počkám teraz pár mesiacov a som veľmi zvedavý či to vyjde. O prípadnom úspechu alebo zlyhaní sem určite napíšem.


Cornus mas No.3

Collected this spring with my Hungarian and Moravian friends. Potted in zeolit+teramol+peat+Osmocote. Well watered and feed with chicken granules. Yesterday second time this year removed excess growth on unsuitable places.
Drienka vykopaná túto jar na akcii s kamarátmi z Maďarska a Moravy. Zasadená je v zmesi zeolit+teramol+hrubá rašelina 10%+Osmocote. Výdatne zalievaná a nahnojená kuracím trusom v granulách. Včera som druhý krát preriedil výhony z nevhodných miest.

In beginning of March 2012

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...