Hornbeam forest

This tree is in my garden from spring 2009. It was repotted in spring last year into concrete training pot made by my friend Vincent Vadovský. During this winter, in December 2011 it was wired completely. It was quite a lot of wiring, despite ramification is far from being good. 
Tento hrabový trs je v mojej záhrade od jari 2009 kedy som ho doniesol domov počas mojej prvej kopacej sezóny. V jari 2011 bol presadený zo škaredej drevenej krabice do peknej tréningovej betónovej misky vyrobenej mojím kamarátom Vincenom Vadovským. Počas tejto zimy, v decembri 2011 som ho kompletne nadrôtoval. Na to že štruktúra koruny je ďaleko od toho aby bola dobrá tak to bolo celkom dosť drôtovania.

April 2012

in March 2012 after taking out from winter storage, size comparison with my two assistants

March 2009, just after collecting

Cornus mas No.1

I made few pictures of my first cornus. It looks very healthy and it is producing a lot of buds in the crown so I hope it will help to improve ramification this season. Growth just above nebari is there just as trial to make few new rots this season to improve nebari.
Dnes som urobil pár fotiek môjej pervej drienky. Vyzerá túto jar veľmi zdravo a vytvára mnoho pukov na starom dreve takže to by v tejto sezóne mohlo pomôcť so zahustením koruny. Tie malé konáriky hneď nad koreňmi sa pokúsim nejako potopiť tento rok a vytvoriť z nich nové korene aby sa vylepšilo nebari.
Older posts, stršie príspevky o strome: http://belanmaros.blogspot.com/2011/08/cornus-mas-no1.html

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...