Winter protection

Today I put all my trees on ground and cover them with wood chippings. I used this way of winter protection always and I'm satisfied, all trees during winters survived. I have a lot of help from may kids and it was a lot of fun.
Dnes som zazimoval všetky stromy, zložil som ich na zem a zasypal pilinami. Používam takýto spôsob zimovania stále a nikdy som neprišiel ani o jeden strom počas zimy. Samozrejme som to nerobil sám, ale pomáhali mi moji dvaja pomocníci, bola to zábava.
hráme sa na sneženie/ playing with artificial snow

"prikrývame stromček s perinkou aby mohol cez zimu spinkať"

half finished/ z polovice to máme

"This leaves must be removed"/ "Tie listy musia preč, dobre."

and its done/ a je to

Poriadne poliate a pripravené na zimu./ Waterd and prepared for winter.


  1. Maros, Hello! okay?
    Very cool this work and dedication with your bonsai,
    The cold winters even in your land!
    Do not know here, since our climate is hot and still
    we care about in the winter and the winter frosts that happen!

    feliciades to all of you!
    see you soon!

  2. No pekne si to zazimoval. Kde si splašil tú veľkú nádobu na smrek?

  3. @Adriano: Thanks dude. We have very cold winters in our country. Frost started now, tonight was about -4°C. Temperatures can fall below -20°C for few weeks. Anywaz I know few bonsaists who are not protecting trees at all, just keep them on ground, when snow comes just shovel snow over them.
    @Martin: Tu nadobu mi dal Palo. Ked sme extrahovali ten velky dub. Myslel som ze sa len tak skoro nepouzije, a vidis hodila sa. Z toho smreku som neodstranoval ziadne korene. No neda sa s tym moc hybat, miska sa hybe a je to tazke.:)

  4. ahoj maroš, všimol som si nejakú foliu na zemi. je to geo alebo igelit? inak super asi prestanem zakopávať tie moje do zeme. ale až o rok lebo už mam zazimované.zatial

  5. Ahoj Danto, je to netkana textilia. Bezna do zahrady proti prerastaniu buriny. To mam len na to aby som ten strk lahsie ocistil od pilin na jar. Igelit by tam asi drzal prilis vela vody.
