Carpinus betulus forrest in yellow


Betula pendula No.1

This is my first and only birch so far, collected in 2010. Its very nice according to my taste. Not big,not very old but very mature bark.Potted in almost pure zeolit, and doing all the time very well, tree seems to be very happy and its growing like hell. I wired it in July this year and I will wire it again next year.
Toto je moja zatiaľ jediná breza a mám ju rád, vykopaná v roku 2010. Nie je veľmi veľká asi ani veľmi stará ale má peknú popraskanú borku. Je zasadená v takmer čistom zeolite (2,5-5mm) a je dobre a často zalievaná. Stromček je veľmi zdravý a v sezóne rastie ako o život. V júli tohto roku som ho drôtoval a budem znova na budúci rok.




wired in 7/2011
3/2010 right after collection

Quercus pubescens No.4

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...