Hornbeam no.7 became no.13

Demo tree from last bonsai weekend  used to be my hornbeam no.7. I like this tree. And it looks like Walter also likes it. So now this tree has its place in one of the best collections of bonsai in Europe or world. For a tree from small quarry on end of Slovakia it is big pride, of course. I will watch development of this Walters tree with pleasure. 

Strom na ktorom Walter pracoval počas dema minulý víkend bol môj hrab no.7. Mám rád ten strom. A vyzerá to tak, že aj Walterovi sa páči. Takže teraz má svoje miesto v jednej z najlepších zbierok bonsai  Európy alebo sveta. Pre strom z malého lomu na konci Slovenska je to veľká česť, to je jasné. Budem sledovať vývoj tohto Waltrovho stromu s radosťou.


  1. Hi Maros!
    It is also good way for learning. Give tree to Walter and watch progress.

  2. Hi Andrija,
    well I'm pretty sure he is much more able to transform it onto fantastic bonsai. So a expect only the best future for him. :)

  3. Sure. Marija and I have done the same thing as you. :)

  4. I know, Walter loves orientalis. BTW video with this tree inspired me a lot. :) I like Walters Orientalis no.2. I never seen orientalis in person but yours and others Croatians trees on photos looks amazing. I hope soon some orientalis will also appear in my garden too.


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