I wish you all Merry Christmas.
Collecting Bonsai Trees From The Wild: Black Bag Technique Experience
Check out my first YouTube video. I appreciate your feedback, I hope you will like it and someone finds it useful.
Crataegus monogyna
The tree was wired in early spring, and some carving was done on deadwood. It was a pleasure to have flowers for a few days.
Acer campestre No.3 first styling
This maple tree was collected from the wild a few years ago and was sitting and waiting until there was the right time. It was regularly pruned back and after new growth emerged unnecessary stuff was removed. There is a big scar on the trunk since it was originally growing next to the wired fence which damaged the bark significantly. Now a few days ago I worked scars with Dremel and wired branches and I can wait for new foliage.
Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'
Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...

Tree was recently repotted and it is growing vigorously. It was just about right time to cut long shots on top of the crown. I left growth ...
V tomto príspevku je preklad druhého dielu zo série článkov od pána Waltera Palla na tému vykopávania a zbierania stromov z v oľnej prírody...