Fraxinus ornus "Cliffhanger" 10 years anniversary

This Ash tree was collected ten years ago from the edge of the quarry. I was fixed with rope to a bigger tree when collecting it. There were about 30 meters of nothing below the tree, hence the name. Quite an experience. I saved his life. We are brothers since then. Maybe he will save mine once.
Pot by Pravoslav Dorda. The tree was too dense so it was partially defoliated at the top of the crown and cut back. 

May 2010

Carpinus betulus "Gemini" with fresh foliage

The tree responded well after repotting it tree is pushing a lot of growth. A few weeks from now it must be heavily thinned, especially at the top of the now dominant tree. Since a few weeks I'm using new editing program for photos called Zoner Photo Studio and I'm starting to be familiar with it. It gives me much more options to edit pictures than previously used (free) Picasa. I will write more about it later. 

Horizontal root at the front sticking to the right will go soon. I was still thinking about somehow incorporating it into the design but it seems obvious it has no future. 

I tried to use Zoner editing tools and did a quick virtual where I'm heading in next decade or so. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...