Tilia cordata No.1

Only two weeks apart and change in color is rather dramatic as you can see on second picture. Interesting thing, it is turning yellow month earlier compared to last season. Even if  autumn weather is rather calm and night temperatures hardly hit lover than +5°C and no freezing yet. On another hand weather was extremely dry this year. 


Spruce No.2 (on left) moved into new pot couple of days ago. So new spruce (No. 7, on right and second picture) moved into empty chinese pot, from plastic bowl where it was sitting since 2011. Ready for styling next year. Tree collected in 2011, since then only pruned to get foliage back to the trunk. I wanted to sell it for too long, nobody wanted it. Now it will be styled a I will see how it will play out. Nice tapering of the trunk is the main advantage.

Secret plan

Now I'm going to tell you, I have secret long term plan. I would like to think, one of my offsprings will take care about my bonsai one day, when my journey will be at the end. I hope it is still far away, but still If you have long term plan, you have to work it step by step. What's my plan then? I try to expose my kids to as much natural environment and gardens as possible. I hope they will love it and latern when they are adult, they can have some horticultural hobby. Ideally bonsai, of course. In line with my plan I took them yesterday to visit Botanical Garden in Bratislava. It was partly rainy day and we have spent there a lot of time. Thanks to weather we were almost alone there, so it was great. To my surprise my kids were most  impressed by desert pavilion. So my plan worked well, partly, we went home with few cactuses. New collection was started on kids window sill. I took few shots with my phone so you can see for yourself.


PICEA ABIES NO.2 in new pot

I got couple of new pots from Tomas Snovicky so I decided to use one of them for this spruce. It was repotted about week ago. Pot is bit smaller than previous one and much lighter. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...