
On November 17th I did my winter storage for the trees. It is my tradition since few years. On that date we have holiday celebrating end of the communist rule in our country in 1989. Now we have freedom, even if we still have to fight for it and communist are back in different furs. 

Anyway, I put all my trees down from shelves and cover them with wood chips, sawdust. Cheap and effective. After that I ordered additional winter cover and watering. It arrived tonight. 

Cornus mas "Attila"

As I promised few days ago, here are the pictures of the dogwood after applying couple of guy wires and quick editing just by pruning unnecessary branches. I will wire it in early spring next year, hopefully tree will be repotted into ceramic pot in case one suitable will find the way into my garden. 

Fraxinus ornus "Jan"

Couple of days ago tree still had its foliage, then came night frosts and all leaves were gone. It was time for few decent pictures. So, here you can see it with remaining autumn foliage and then without as all leaves were removed. Right time to evaluate structure improvement since last season. Couple of necessary edits were performed in the crown already. 

Cornus mas "Attila"

There are the first and there must be last. Last tree with foliage in garden is Attila obviously. Was green up until recently but two frosty nights brought some purple on the leaves. So when I was doing winter storage for all trees I managed to make few pictures. As it is common with dogwood, just after first frosts leaves are dropping down at the moment you touch it. All were down in 5 minutes. When taking pictures I saw places to be edited and therefore few branches were shortened and guy wires applied. No pictures after work this time. It was already too late and too dark. Ill post them later this week hopefully. 

Larix decidua after little edit

Couple of guy wires were added to bring branches into better positions. I did even more bud doing last bends on apex branch I broke it. So, some wires were removed and branch was rescued with rafia and tape.  

My sme les. Pridaj sa aj ty.

I just saw the video of the campaign in the paper. It never stop amaze me how fast we are able to cut down forests. I go to the woods as often as I can, and I know those images from my own perspective. We have to stop doing this genocide to our nature before it is too late. 

What our government is allowing to be done to the forests in National Parks is just crazy....

Link to the campaign page could be found here if you would like to support it. 


Cornus mas "Vesna"

Sometimes weather is against us. I wanted to take pictures of nice foliage on Vesna for some time but it was staying green for way too long. When colors started to appear leaves started to fall off quickly. So no really good shots of this cornus this autumn. Just few details. Last night we had first frost so in few hours all foliage will be down and tree will be stored for winter this coming weekend.  

Carpinus betulus "RUSNAK"

I promised you nudity in my yesterday post. So, here is my hornbeam "Rusnak" with dry foliage removed. Editing of the structure will follow soon. Some serious problem at the structure must be addressed. Still lovely images for the time being I hope. 

On progress

We are living in an era of great progress. Everyday we hear about new development in almost all aspects of our lives and technology. For example driverless cars are going to hit roads sooner than we think, just yesterday I heard one of Google companies Waymo is going to launch driverless cabs. If you are taxi driver you better start to study something new very soon. 
Or if you noticed, some big cities in Asia, like Delhi are experiencing really huge problems with air pollution this week. I guess most of the problems there are coal fired power plants and combustion engines in vehicles. New technologies are going to help with those issues as well. Tesla is leading pack with its electric vehicles and we can see them already almost daily. Electric revolution is currently under way in automotive industry and we will see the change.

But I have some concerns to be honest. For example what if driverless cars will not work as promised?  They should work well but there will be bugs in software or something similar?  

Like for example this blogging platform from Google. Some time ago I started to use Google+ comments here. Worked pretty well. But, I wanted one simple thing. Get notification via email whenever someone post a comment under my post. Should be easy task, right? 

Of course. 

We get dozens of emails. Spammers find you and send you any possible crap. Try to register or use any online services and you'll end up getting their promo emails forever. 

But try to set up notifications here on Blogger when you use Google+ comments! You are not getting emails you would like to get! 


I thought I'm just moron and could not set it up properly. I think I have tried everything and I'm giving up. I just go back to old comments setup. This way all older comments are gone, which is pity but there is no other way I guess. 

If you guys, bloggers out there figured out how to do it, please let me know. 

I just hope guys at Silicon Valley are going to make better job with AI and robotic taxis. 

Yeah, and here is the maple agin. I do not remember such colors. I see it now everywhere. Walter keep killing us with his outstanding stuff daily, and you see it on blogs and social networks that most of the Europe and North America is having colors like never before. What a joy. But I will tell you, naked trees are just behind the corner. I guess tomorrow. 

Last picture taken today, first some three weeks ago. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...