Prunus spinosa

Sloe was ready for quick pruning. Now it is back in shape for a while. This is one of possible future fronts. 

BTW this is post number 301. I do not know if it is a lot or not. But I hope, you like my blog. Thanks for your visits and feedback here and on social networks :) 

Enjoy Your Weekend. 

Quercus pubescens No.4

This little oak needed touch already.  Few branches were removed and shortened. Tree is doing well during last heat waves we are experiencing in our area, but some leaves are damaged so I removed them. I'm not happy with amount of growth tree is generating this year. It needs repotting next spring definitely. I'm curious, what kind of pot You are suggesting?

Cornus mas No.3

Dogwood bonsai tree in early stage of development was wired during early spring, wires were removed and left to grow. Now it was pretty big already. Foliage mass created enough energy which helped to thicken new branches as you can see on pictures. Now tree was cut back and cleaned. Now it will rest for some time. 

Today before work, massive foliage


Cornus mas No.1 "Vesna" with fruits

Fruits turned red on this dogwood, it was just about the time to take few pictures. You can find last post about this tree here. Tree is doing well, flower buds for next spring are emerging on tips. New roots on one side of the trunk are developing well, I think nebari will be much better in few seasons. 

Acer campestre No.2

After few weeks of unrestricted growth I decided to cut back this maple. I like this tree more and more. I can see its bright future for it. You can see few earlier pictures here and here.  

before cutting recently

Wisteria update

Wisteria collected in middle of the May this year seems to be doing well. It survived collecting in not so ideal season. Sprouting from many places. Unfortunately it looks like best part of the trunk did not made it, but it is too early to judge. Any future design will depend on what from original trunk will remain and how new growth will develop. Long way to go for this one, but it is always like this on the beginning with deciduous bonsai. After first winter I will see if we are out from the woods. 

July 2015

May 2015

Tilia cordata No.2

I would like to share with you few pictures of one of my bonsai projects in early stages of development. This tree is kind of rarity in my collection. Why is that? It is not yamadori, not collected from wild. 
Tree is seedling which I got from my uncle as gift from nursery. As tiny pencil thick tree it was plated in the garden of my mother-in-law about 5 years ago. So it is my first field grown stuff in the pot right now. It is about 50 cm tall now and trunk at base is about 7 cm wide. I used to work on this tree just about 2 times a year. As filed grown tree it was growing like hell. 
This is reason why tree has quite a lot of flaws in the structure of the crown. You will see it on one of the future posts when I will be able to make winter pictures with detail pictures of crown structure. It was taken out from ground last year and potted into current plastic pot into mixture of zeolite 4-8 mm fraction and rough peat. When taken out from ground I could see it has nebari which is far from being good. I should have been working on it in earlier stages of development in the ground. Too late now. I see air layering as only viable option for the future. Lesson learned.  I will update you on future progress. 

Current stage of the tree after some editing. 

before quick trimming recently

Few new benches

I made few new benches recently. I'm using similar simple DIY construction for some time already. But I chose larch wood for recent pair, I used to work with spruce timber previously. Surface is treated with oil only so I'm curious how it will last. 

Acer palmatum

This maple bonsai in its early development phase was slightly overgrown. All shoots were shortened and few too big leaves were removed. Shortly few new guy wires will be applied to bring top branches in better positions. 

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...