Exibition of Bonsai Club Trnava in Sered 2013

On August 29th and 30th our club organized exhibition of trees and suiseki in city of Sereď. It was organized in Museum which used to be parsonage of Catholic church where used to live writer and priest Juraj Fándly for few years. My friends asked me to fill some gaps on shelves so I entered four of my trees there. We had Vlado&Alena Ondejcik there who had nice presentation of various tees together with degustation. We had very nice weather and atmosphere was good. 

Vo štvrtok 29.augusta a v piatok 30.augusta náš Bonsai Klub Trnava organizoval výstavu stromov a susiseki v múzeu v Seredi. Múzeum je bývalá fara na ktorej svojho času pôsobil aj kňaz a spisovateľ Juraj Fándly. Priatelia ma požiadali aby som priniesol pár stromov ktoré by mohli zaplniť pár miest na policiach tak som mal výstavnú premiéru a priniesol som 4 svoje stromy. Súčasťou programu bola prezentácia a degustácia čaju od Vlada a Alenky Ondejčíkových. Vinco Vadovský hovoril o tvorbe dáiz pre suiseki. Počasie a atmosféra sa vydarili. 

Carpinus betulus No.10

Vlado Ondejcik talking about tee.

Vlado and his tee quest for visitors.

Vincent Vadovsky talking passionately about suiseki. 

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..."

Our young visitors.

My Quercus, plastic pot, unfinished tree, I  know. I promise, next time it will get better.

Tilia coradata

Brick form museum collection. Interesting name, hmm :)

And Mr. Fandly personally

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...