This Fraxinus got new pot in April as you can see on older post here. As I wrote, tree is showing vigorous growth. Id did so after repotting through April and May. This year I tried to make defoliation on few trees for the first time. Honestly, I felt in love with this technique. On this Fraxinus I did partial defoliation around end of May or beginning of June. Leaves on this tree tend to be rather big. I'm pretty sure they get much smaller as ramification gets better with time. On end of June tree had completely grown leaves back. So I decided to make complete defoliation during club meeting on first July weekend. After that I wired whole tree as you can see on pictures. And on next few pictures you can see how tree reacted within 2 weeks. In present it has nice small leaves, unfortunately they will grow further, but that's fine. I get a lot of new branches in the crown as could be seen on pictures.
Tento jaseň dostal novú misku v apríli tohto roku ako môžete vidieť na blogu tu. Písal som, že strom je veľmi vitálny a bol taký aj po presadení. Tento rok som začal experimentovať po prvý krát s defoliáciou na viacerých stromoch. A môžem povedať, že som sa do defoliácie zaľúbil, funguje to perfektne. Na tomto jaseni som urobil prvú, čiastočnú defoliáciu niekedy koncom mája alebo začiatkom júna. Do konca júna mal strom späť kompletnú olistenú korunu. Tak som počas klubového stretnutia počas prvého júlového víkendu urobil kompletnú defoliáciu. Potom som využil situáciu a stom som kompletne nadrôtoval. Na ďalších fotkách je vidieť ako na to stom zareagoval. Teraz už má pekné malé lístky, ktoré porastú ďalej ale to je OK. V korune na "starom" dreve vyrašilo mnoho nových konárikov ktoré pomôžu korune oveľa rýchlejšie zhustnúť.
July 5th |
July 10th |
July 8th |
July 8th |
July 13th |