Carpinus betulus No.12 Wild Boar

This is another of my carpinus yamadori trees. As I was looking back in my blog this is probably first post about him. It was collected in early spring during my second collecting season in 2010. Tree is rather big as one can see from pictures. As most of my trees it was potted into Zeolit (4-8mm fr.) with some peat added. Due to its size plastic pot was deforming when carried in the garden. So I decided to pot it into ceramic pot this spring. Pot is unglazed training Chinese. Some major reduction was done with help of Lukas&Pepa Sirotny back in May 2010. Than I was consulting it with Walter Pall during his visit of my garden and he name it Wild Boar. I liked the strange name so I give it to the tree. Tree has long way to go and it will take 5-10 years to look decently. 

Toto je jedne z mojich hrabov. Ako som pozeral na minule príspevky toto je asi prvý o tomto stromčeku. Vykopal som ho počas skorej jari v roku 2010 počas mojej druhej yamadori sezóny. Ako je vidieť z fotiek tak stromček je celkom velky. Ako vacsina mojich stromov tak aj tento je zasadený v zmesi Zeolitu (frakcie 4-8mm) a rašeliny. Do tejto jari sedel v plastovej miske ktorá sa pod jeho váhou pri nosení po záhrade deformovala. Preto dostal na jar novu treningovu misku, neglazovanu cinsku z Isabelie. Par dolezitych rezov bolo urobených za pomoci Lukasa a Pepu Sirotnych v máji 2010. Potom sme strom preberali s Waltrom Pallom počas jeho navstevy v moje záhradke a on ho nazval "Wild Boar" co znamená "Diviak". Meno sa mi zapacilo a tak stromčeku ostalo. Samozrejme je pred nami ešte dlha cesta a potrvá to 5 až 10 rokov kým bude nejako vyzerať, tak ako u vacsiny yamadori listnacov.

March 2013 / Marec 2013

in the woods 2010
summer 2010/ leto 2010
March 2013 / Marec 2013

March 2013 / Marec 2013

Carpinus betulus No.11 - deadwood carving

During the weekend I was playing with Dremel on ugly stomp of the root pointing upwards on Hornbeam No.11. Wood must age for few years and will be brushed as usual.

Cez vikend som Dremelkou trocha upravoval koren na hrabe cislo 11. Teraz drevo musi par rokov starnut a bude sa este upravovat drotenym kartacom.

Prunus spinosa

Update on Prunus spinosa, yamadori tree collected in spring 2010. This is only one sloe in my possession in present. A lot of dead wood work must be carried out. Big parts of trunk are already dead. I'm going to try it soon. As all my trees is in inorganic substrate, mixture of zeolit and Teramol with little peat added. Tree is showing extremely vigorous growth every season since collection.

spring 2010 potted
spring 2010 with my little helper

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'

Tree purchased from the garden centre around 2-3 years ago. In the first year, it was transplanted from a massive 40-50 litre plastic pot. I...