Carpinus betulus "The Yossarian"

Since last repotting tree was sitting in its pot in a quite awkward position provoking many. Well, at the time of repotting back in April 2013 it was a too big risk to remove so many roots jut to fit it into a rather shallow pot. Accidentally, it stayed in that position up until last week. 
Now, it was time to try to fix the tree in more desirable position. The pot was full of roots and even by removing something like 10-litre bucket of roots, editing stumps of larger roots on the bottom of the tree it was still resisting. Shortly, the tree is now in best possible position for two or more years. Crown needs editing as well, and it was partly done today. You will see the result in a couple of weeks time here as usual.


  1. superb tree. great ramification

  2. It is amazing what you have achieved in eight years..

    1. Thanks Vlado. It could have been better but I still learning

  3. Krásny strom. Veľmi mu pomohlo presadenie a zmena náklonu. Super.

    1. Hej, už sa to žiadalo. Lepšie sa na neho pozerá .

  4. Very very nice tree...I would just add some beautiful glazed pot and the composition would be fantastic. Hope to see it in a few years.

    1. Hi Sebastian. Thanks for advice, I think as well it deserves better pot. I'm thinking about rectangle shape maybe. For this size of three quality pot will cost a fortune unfortunately :) So it will take some time.
      I hope you and your trees are doing well during this busy times.
      Thanks for visiting my blog.


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